As part of our Locals Matter Community Program, we’re looking to support not only the physical health of the people within our community, but also their mental wellbeing.
We will be supporting and delivering the message of a number of amazing organisations, and to kick it off, where better to start than asking R U OK?
R U OK?Day is a day of action, where we are all reminded to ask that question. This year, it was on Thursday 10th September, and although the day has now passed, we want to motivate our community to keep on asking “Are you OK?” any day of the year.
2020 has been a challenging year for many, and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. We want to continue to help share the R U OK? Day message of support, and encourage everyone in our community to learn what to say after R U OK?
Supporting members of your community through life’s ups and downs, or just increasing your connections within your community could be invaluable. You don’t need to be an expert to reach out, just a good friend and a great listener!
If you are concerned about anyone close to you or in your community, use these four steps to start a conversation that could change a life:
- Ask R U OK? – The first step in checking how somebody is doing.
- Listen – You can listen to what’s been happening in their life, or why they might be feeling the way they do. Let them know you are always here to listen if they need to talk.
- Encourage action – Ask what you can do to support them, encourage them to do what they enjoy, or what has made them feel better in the past, or to speak to a professional for help.
- Check in – Keep the conversation going, check how they’ve been doing since you last spoke or whether anything has changed.
Remember to keep the conversation going when someone says “No, I’m not OK”. Visit for advice, support and resources.