The hidden benefits of nectarines & peaches

Nectarines and peaches are near identical in their nutritional make-up, yet their skin and flavour are quite noticeably different.

We all have our preferences to the soft velvety skin of a peach, and the smooth, firm skin of a nectarine! Whichever you prefer, they both have some amazing health benefits that we could all benefit from, and even better, they’re both in season in Australia from from early December through to January.

This month in partnership with Montague and our dieticians The Biting Truth, we wanted to bring the hidden benefits of these seasonal summer stone fruits to our Locals Matter Community!

Supports the Immune System

Both fruits are packed with vitamins. Vitamin C in particular plays a vital role in your overall immunity. Your body is unable to store or produce vitamin C, so it is important that you consume vitamin C rich foods daily for good health and a strong immune system. Vitamin C also helps to promote Vitamin E regeneration in the body which fights harmful free radicals that can lead to illness. The Vitamin A found in these fruits can also help to fight infections – helping you to feel your healthiest!

Helps with Weight loss

Despite being deliciously sweet, peaches and nectarines are low in calories and therefore can make for a great snack if your goal is to lose weight. Both fruits also have a low Glycemic Index (GI) meaning they provide slow releasing energy which helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer and therefore less likely to over consume on other less healthy foods that may contribute to weight gain.

Aids Digestion

Both nectarines and peaches are high in fibre, which is an important nutrient to include for a healthy diet and gut. They’re also naturally high in prebiotics, which are a type of food for your healthy gut bacteria (aka probiotics) and as a result they help to stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria. Try incorporating prebiotic containing foods such as fruit and vegetables into your diet each day to reap the benefits.

Lowers Cholesterol

Fibre isn’t just good for digestion. The high soluble fibre found in these fruits can also help to lower bad cholesterol. Start your day right with a cholesterol reducing breakfast, like a bowl of oats topped with chopped peaches and nectarines, or add them to a smoothie.

Boosts Skin

Vitamin C has been found to protect the skin from UV damage, leaving it healthier and radiant for longer. The Vitamin C found in stone fruits is necessary for the production of collagen in the body, which gives the skin its elasticity and structure.

The MONTAGUE tree™ nectarines and peaches love warm days and cool nights, and are grown specifically with selected growers in perfect growing regions in Australia. Their peaches and nectarines are grown in Stanthorpe QLD, Swanhill, Cobram and Shepparton Victoria, Perth Hills & Donnybrook Western Australia, and all go through strict quality control to ensure a consistent, premium quality. They’re hand selected from the outer edges of the orchard trees, where sunshine produces naturally higher sugars, intense colour, and full rich flavours for you to enjoy.  Look for the black and yellow MONTAGUE tree™ fruit sticker at your local IGA for great quality Australian stone fruit, and take a look at our stone fruit recipes for inspiration on how to use them here.

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