To celebrate a century of Cadbury bringing people together through a love of chocolate, we invited people to nominate someone deserving of recognition for their act of kindness. Each month from May – September 2022, we are selecting 20 pairs of lucky winners.
Act of Generosity Competition
September 29, 2022
Cheryl Capon
I'd like to nominate my daughter's primary school grade 1 teacher for this amazing prize. She truly goes above and beyond for every one of her students but most importantly, she is inclusive of everyone she meets and makes them feel so supported and motivates them to learn every single day. I'd like to thank her for helping my daughter become such a compassionate and intelligent student. All teachers are great but Cheryl is amazing.
Karen Trevorrow
Being a mother of 4, working full time hours and always making sure the kids come first, Karen is a 'Supermum' in my books. At work she is efficient, understanding and caring, always thinking ahead. She also loves chocolate!
Ann Clarke
Ann is a local unsung hero. Along with volunteering tirelessly behind the scenes for our local sporting club, Ann quietly delivers delicious meals and deserts to so many locals in their time of need. It is an honour to know her and I would love her compassionate generosity to be recognised.
Narelle Pfieffer
Narelle is so caring & community minded towards people of all walks of life, young & old. I believe she is the clergy at the high school & has a swap garden stall in her front yard for whomever needs plants or goods to share. Such a lovely calming influence to whomever she meets, that is the way that I see her. A valued member of our community & she would share her gift if she were chosen.
Stephen Lowe
Steve is a beautiful soul who is the back bone of our senior community. Over the years he has been a godsend to me and other neighbours who don't have family or local support. His many talents include handyman, appliance repairer, appointment driver, shopping support, water blaster, pet carer and so on. Too many to mention and all done without expecting anything in return. It's such a comfort to know he's in the background. I would love to see him recognised and appreciated for all that he does.
Heather Newton
Heather is the most selfless, hardworking and strong woman I've ever come across. Not only does she work as a carer for elderly people in the neighbourhood, care for her 96 year old mother and volunteer at the local athletics club, she also has 6 kids of her own. She's always the first to put up her hand to help others, no matter what she's got going on in her own life. Her generosity is an inspiration to all who are blessed to know her!
Alison Jones
Alison, my mum, my best friend - the most generous and giving person to know. She visits my nana who is in a nursing home multiple times a week. Even if nana doesn't know who she is, she sits there for hours on end and talks to her. She brings her washing home so that her clothes don't go missing. She hangs nanas clothes in sets so that she always looks her best. And then she goes above and beyond to collect gifts and prizes for the nursing home to use all while continuing to work every morning.
Holly Whitman
Holly is the most selfless, generous person I know. No issue is too big or too small, she will always help, whether it be offering you a job when in need, wiping away tears, sending care hamper packages or being a free counsellor. She is a true ride or die.
Mel Newton
My beautiful friend Mel is a breath of fresh air. She works hours of unpaid overtime in the hospital to go above and beyond for her patients. In her free time, she's often volunteering at charity stores and events, and often shops for the elderly neighbours and walks their dogs when they are unwell. Her selfless nature is truly incredible and inspirational!
Ray McGeary
Ray deserves to win as he has been a support and rock through tough times. His adminartion to put his needs aside for others. He has helped my girls, listened unconditionally and helped his community out too. He is a humble genuine guy who has the biggest heart, he is well deserving of this prize to say thank you for being you.
Mark Murdoch
Mark has always put others before himself. He has volunteered in Community Radio and has worked as a financial officer for a community group. He helps anyone who asks. He never expects anything in return. All who know him, love and respect him. It is a privilege to know him.
Peter Dumcombe
Peter is a wonderful giving person. He has a full time job but continues to give to his community and state by being a volunteer with the state emergency service and RSL. He does this with care and commitment to those in need, without seeking recognition.
Naomi Barton
Naomi is the most selfless person I know! Always ready to help anyone she possibly can all while taking care of her three kids. She is absolutely amazing and I am so grateful for her! I've recently been through major surgeries and she took on my two kids also with out any hesitation. I'd be lost with out her and unfortunately I'm not in a place to give anything to thank her so this would be wonderful! Thank you.
Tanya Utia
If you're looking for someone who is generous, kind-hearted, and always puts others first, then look no further than my mum, Tanya! She deserves to win this prize. She is the most generous person I know! Her selfless nature has shaped me and I am forever grateful (I love you, Mum).
Russell Jeffreys
Russell, along with partner, Nat, are neighbours you could only dream of having. Nothing is ever too hard, and they are always finding ways to help the community. Problem with a leak? They'll investigate (and fix)! Daughter in hospital? They'll feed the pets and make sure everything is sorted. Need a spare pair of hands? They'll be there! Hard week because of medical crises or anything else? Expect a meal waiting at their table for you or delivered to the door step if getting out is too hard.
Maura Duffy
My nanna, Maura, greets everyone she meets with the warmest smile as she has the biggest heart, full of love and kindness. She is very busy caring for her family, including her adult son with special needs. However, you would never know as she faces each day with joy and positivity.
Jason Fa’ata’ape
Jason supports many members of the community as a friend, colleague and church member. He collects donated furniture from homes and organises for this to be given to refugee families and families in need. He gives up so much personal time to help people in need and somehow always manages to rally a team of people including family members and friends to give up their time regularly to support those around him, even strangers. He's the kindest, most caring person who deserves to be acknowledged.
Justin Heta
Justin is a full-time carer for both his elderly parents and young daughter. He does such an amazing, selfless job looking after everyone and supporting them all. He makes sure everyone is at their appointments and juggling school and home chores, he deserves a reward for all he does. Thank you.
Darcie Hutchinson
Darcie is an amazing friend and I am so lucky to have her. Always there for me and my boys, and always helps out whenever I need. Being a single mum is tough but friends like her make it so much easier.
Kathryn Edwards
Kath lives in a Retirement Village and will help to look out for a neighbour who has memory loss, making sure they eat everyday and drive them to appointments and shopping in her own time. She also takes them to Mass every Sunday. She also helps new residents who move in, if they are feeling like they need a friend, she will call past to say 'hello' and make them feel welcome.
Michelle Wright
Michelle deserves to win as she is a delightful and kind hearted friend, wife, mother and teacher. She works so hard and passionately to create a welcoming environment for her students. COVID has definitely changed everyone's lives but it has taken a significant toll mentally and physically to her and her family. She needs a little bit of good this month to make her smile. Her favourite chocolate is also Cadbury.