Keeping your pets warm in winter

Winter has officially arrived and that means it’s time to get the extra blankets, slippers and socks out and snuggle up. Whilst you may be all warm and fuzzy, don’t forget to check on your furry friend/s in the colder months. Here are some top tips on ways you can warm your pet up to make sure they’re as cozy as can be.

But please remember, there are so many wonderful breeds of cats and dogs, and not all may feel the cold as much as you may think – research your cat or dog breed before applying these tips to know that your pet will be as comfortable as possible!

Winter jumpers

Even though some cat and dog breeds have longer, thicker fur coats that keep them warmer in the cold months, an extra layer of warmth for walking outside in Winter or sleeping outside might be needed for those breeds with thinner, shorter fur, especially. It’s good to make sure that whatever coat/jumper you have for your pet fits correctly and has coverage for the neck, base of the tail and their belly.

Warm and comfy bedding

For both outdoor and indoor pets (outdoor especially), make sure your pet has bedding that suits their needs and sleeping style during the winter. Insulated kennels or enclosed areas are great for both cats and dogs and protect them from chilly temperatures, especially in early mornings and evenings. Providing extra blankets that are warm and soft, will maximise your pets comfort whether they’re indoors or out.

Extra tip: if your pet’s bed is on a floor which tends to hold the cold, try elevating it off the ground to prevent warmth escaping and moisture on the bottom of the bed.

Keep up the hydration

As we humans know, staying hydrated all year round is essential to our health and is the same for our furry friends too. When the colder months roll around it’s easy to not have the same thirst as in the warmer months, which can lead to dehydration. Make sure your pets have fresh water available, in and outdoors during the winter and if their water bowls are outside, that they haven’t frozen over.

Hungry bellies

During Winter, you may find that your pet is hungrier than usual, as more of their energy is used to keep themselves warm. For some breeds of cats and dogs, you may find they require adjusted nutritional needs during the winter. It’s important to be mindful of the amount of food your pet is eating if they aren’t as active due to the colder climate, to avoid weight gain. Talk to your vet to find out more about this and if you should think about any nutritional changes during winter.

Bonus tip: extra cuddles (obviously) or perhaps even a sleepover on Mum or Dad’s bed could do just the trick to warm up…

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