Did you know?
Ultimates Indulge uses quality Australian and New Zealand Grass Fed Beef & Lamb in our pet food. Grass Fed meats have:
• Superior amino acids & healthy fat combinations.
• Higher nutrient levels & better health benefits for your pet.
Dog Facts
• Dogs are scavenging carnivores not obligate carnivores like cats. They originally survived on a carnivorous diet, since domestication dogs have adapted to eating more of a mixed diet including carbohydrates from plants, but plant proteins and carbohydrates should always be included in moderation. Beware of products that try to boost protein levels with plant proteins. Plant proteins are not as easily digested and bioavailable to dogs as high quality animal proteins.
• Grain free dog food is considered the best choice of food for your dog as they eliminate the grains that many cheap dog foods contain. Dogs need high quality protein and good healthy fats as they provide dogs with the energy and strength they need to thrive.