Child drawing sunscreen on another child's back

Did you know?

• UV rays can penetrate clouds, so even on overcast days, sun protection is essential.

• Your eyes are sensitive too! Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your vision from harmful rays.

• Stay hydrated in the sun. Drinking water helps keep your skin healthy and cool.

• Remember, children and pets need sun protection too. Keep them covered and hydrated.

• Enjoy the sun safely! Sunburn is preventable with proper precautions.

Stay sun-safe with these tips:


Apply sunscreen liberally

Reapply every 2 hours

Wear protective clothing

Seek shade during peak hours

Protect your eyes with sunglasses

Enjoy the sun responsibly!
Child drawing sunscreen on another child's back

Did you know?

• UV rays can penetrate clouds, so even on overcast days, sun protection is essential.
• Your eyes are sensitive too! Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your vision from harmful rays.
• Stay hydrated in the sun. Drinking water helps keep your skin healthy and cool.
• Remember, children and pets need sun protection too. Keep them covered and hydrated.
• Enjoy the sun safely! Sunburn is preventable with proper precautions.

Stay sun-safe with these tips:

  1. Apply sunscreen liberally
  2. Reapply every 2 hours
  3. Wear protective clothing
  4. Seek shade during peak hours
  5. Protect your eyes with sunglasses.
  6. Enjoy the sun responsibly!

Did you know?

• UV rays can penetrate clouds, so even on overcast days, sun protection is essential.
• Your eyes are sensitive too! Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your vision from harmful rays.
• Stay hydrated in the sun. Drinking water helps keep your skin healthy and cool.
• Remember, children and pets need sun protection too. Keep them covered and hydrated.
• Enjoy the sun safely! Sunburn is preventable with proper precautions.

Stay sun-safe with these tips:

  1. Apply sunscreen liberally
  2. Reapply every 2 hours
  3. Wear protective clothing
  4. Seek shade during peak hours
  5. Protect your eyes with sunglasses.
  6. Enjoy the sun responsibly!

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Protect the fun with sun safety tips from Banana Boat

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Stay updated on what’s new at IGA, plus the latest in-store offers, recipes and much more every week.