In Australia, we use 5 billion plastic bags every year, 50 million of these blow away into our environment. That’s about 5700 bags every hour!
We recognise our ability as a network of retailers to significantly decrease the amount of plastic being used in Australia. We are committed to working with our suppliers to reduce our plastic usage and increase the recyclability of our private label packaging.
To assist our customers in the transition from single use to environmentally friendly alternatives we have developed a fantastic range of reusable bags available in store.
30th June 2018
Single Use Plastic Bag Phase Out
At IGA we are committed to protecting the environment. That’s why we are aiming to eliminate single-use plastic bags at checkouts in our 1400 independently owned stores Australia-wide by 30th June 2018.

We have also partnered with Boomerang Bags to provide our customers with free, locally made bags as we all forget sometimes! Boomerang Bags is a not for profit organisation working to reduce the use of plastic bags by engaging local communities in making bags – community made, using recycled materials. They provide a free, fun, sustainable alternative to plastic bags.
Keep your eye out for Boomerang Bags in your local IGA store.
Craig from Dungog IGA has been working with Boomerang Bags since 2017.
John from IGA Bingara was one of the first supermarkets in the world to go plastic bag free in 2007.
Check out our reuseable bags range at your local IGA
Information regarding email & text message scams
We have been recently advised that there are a number of Facebook, SMS and email scam promotions, allegedly giving away IGA Gift Vouchers if users perform a particular action and/or provide their personal information. Please note these promotions appear to be national scams impacting IGA and a number of Australian retailers. IGA is not involved in these promotions and the messages are not made by IGA, our marketing agency or any of our affiliated retailers. We have reported these scams to the ACCC and Departments of Fair Trading and Consumer Affairs. If you have any other enquiries please don’t hesitate to contact us.